CAse Studies
Trusted Expertise for a Just Future
We’ve spent decades going toe-to-toe with those on the far-right seeking to undermine progressive advocacy, and advised hundreds of organizations campaigning for a more sustainable, democratic, and just country. The diverse nature of our work means that we’re comfortable facing the unexpected and the unknown–and we have the tools to help you respond. Our experience informs our work but does not dictate our approach: instead, we’re comfortable learning from and with our clients so that we can leverage our services to best support your needs.
Managing a James O’Keefe-style infiltration of a national progressive network
To ward against a James O’Keefe-style infiltration (and other attacks) of its network, a national organization that fights for multi-racial political power contracted with New Heights to put together a comprehensive crisis communications program for its staff, network and partner groups.

Digital Marketing for Whistleblower Law Firms
A law firm client’s whistleblower practice wanted to target potential clients in select markets. This digital marketing campaign differed in other mobilizing campaigns as there were additional challenges given the nature of the issue and that people are more concerned about privacy on digital platforms.
Women's Refugee Commission
Like many nonprofits, the Women’s Refugee Commission’s Migrant Rights and Justice program normally labors on a niche issue without much recognition. But when the Trump Administration implemented its “zero tolerance” policy separating thousands of underage children from their parents, suddenly WRC’s issues were in the national spotlight.

Fair Redistricting
Following the 2020 decennial Census, New Heights helped manage a national and state-based civil rights coalition to fight for fair and equitable maps in 2021/2022 redistricting. For decades, gerrymandering had silenced the voices and suppressed the vote of communities of color that had been historically marginalized and underserved.
Center for Popular Democracy
How do you break through a crowded news cycle and push forward the progressive movement’s agenda?

Let’s Start Something new
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